Field Notes

Stay With Me, My Baby!

JingYi was enrolled in Infant Nurture Program on Oct. 10th 2010. She was almost one year old when she came […]


Dongdong is a two year old boy from Changzhou Children’s Welfare Institution. He was born with complex heart defect –Tetralogy […]

PingPing Gets Strong For Her Heart Surgery

Two-year-old PingPing came to the China Care Home in the summer of 2012 for pre-surgical care—her doctors want her to […]

A Day in the Countryside

Children who do not live in orphanages can start taking excursions for granted, but our children do not. One day […]

Fengfeng’s Change

Fengfeng has been living in our orphanage for two years, during when I have witnessed many progresses she has made. […]

Lucky Girl

When YeXiao arrived at the orphanage she was only a few days old and was wrapped tightly in a blanket. […]

Anecdotes about QiuCheng

One: ChengCheng does not have knee bones. One day, when he was chasing balloons with other children, he was so […]


Changbao is a three years old boy from Shangluo Children’s welfare institution in Henan province. His medical conditions included bladder […]

A Generous & Strong Little Boy Recuperates from Surgery

When four-year-old ChenGuang arrived at the China Care Home, he had just had surgery to repair a congenital defect of […]

Surrounded by Her Nanny’s Love

XinYa (“YaYa”) has been in our infant nurture program for several months. When she first arrived, she could not stop […]