Field Notes

A Mother’s Strength: Vy’s Story of Love, Loss and Hope

Vy loved her hometown in the Central Vietnam countryside in Thua Thien Hue Province, but she knew, at an early […]

Voices from OneSky Volunteers light up The Chinese Financial Association Conference

On November 11-12, The Chinese Financial Association (TCFA) held its 2023 Annual Conference, themed “AI Revolution in Finance: Innovations, Insights, […]

An Independent Childcare Provider in Vietnam finds Joy and Hope in OneSky’s Training

Two decades ago, Ms. Net became a childcare provider in the poorest district of Da Nang, Hoa Vang. She and […]

Nomura: A Funder and Community Partner

In Vietnam, more than one million young children of migrant workers lack access to quality childcare and early education. It’s […]

Hope and Resilience at the OneSky Family Center in Mongolia

Written by Stephen Chipman Former CEO Grant Thornton LLP | Board of Directors at OneSky Originally published on LinkedIn. Last month, […]