Field Notes

GRADUATION GALLERY: “I’m sad she’s leaving but I’m not worried.”

They are the children of local factory workers. Now they’ve graduated from a groundbreaking preschool with every chance to shine […]

OneSky Visit Inspires Philanthropists in Singapore and Indonesia

Children’s NGO OneSky for all children, currently expanding its work within Asia, recently visited members of the Asia Philanthropy Circle […]

Why these Vietnamese kids are so ready for “big school”

This fall, 42 pupils from OneSky’s Early Learning Center in Da Nang, Vietnam are headed for “big school”. Before that […]

PHOTOS: Like a mother would – the abandoned babies who grew up surrounded by love

Abandoned at an early age, these children in China have never known their biological mothers – but they do know […]

The heartwarming reason a factory visit is so special for these preschoolers

There’s so much that’s different about OneSky’s Early Learning Center in Da Nang, Vietnam, but one detail truly sets it […]

Chenchen is training for life

Crawling, jumping, throwing, catching – all the actions that come naturally to most children – Chenchen has had to work […]

The ground breaking Vietnamese preschool that just wrote 43 children’s books

When teachers at Da Nang Early Learning Center in Vietnam were asked to write a book for children they cared […]

Can you jump up high for grandma?

Measuring left-behind children’s development in rural China. Can your four-year-old catch a ball? How about hopping two meters? Or pedaling […]