GALLERY: For vulnerable kids in a troubled world splashing takes away the worries
They’re kids born with so very little, but a few bowls of water were all they needed for the happiest afternoon imaginable.
Their OneSky-trained caregivers took the children outside the Chinese orphanage where they live and told them they could make as much mess as they wanted. The goal – simply to have some summer smiles!
These skilled caregivers use the OneSky Approach to ensure each child has enough love, hugs and nurturing care to grow up able to form healthy relationships and believe in their own self-worth.
And an essential part of their development is lots and lots of fun.
“Water is a gift from nature to the children,” said caregiver He Chiyu. “Children can use their imagination to experience and explore it. The children soon become really immersed in their own world of water.
“They stamp in the puddles, splash it with their hands and watch it flow through their fingers.”
Families around the world seeking new activities to distract their own children during lockdown can learn a few lessons from the moms in OneSky’s Loving Family Program – and get splashing!
The program was set up to provide permanent foster families for kids whose special needs make their adoption unlikely. It means they can be part of a family, including big brothers with water pistols!
Children will also be encouraged to get splashing every day at The P. C. Lee OneSky Global Centre for Early Childhood Development in Hong Kong.
Recently opened, and awaiting the end of lockdown so they can welcome local children, the centre includes its very own wet room.
And THIS goes way beyond water.
“Water, paint, shaving foam, slime and bubbles will all be part of a sensory-based play,” explained OneSky Chief Program Officer, Alice Wong.
“The space is created specifically for kids to make a mess with drainage and large sinks for easy cleanup.”
Photo credit: Vicky Chan, Avoid Obvious Architects
The chance to mix ingredients, paint on the walls and discover new smells will all help learning and development.
Alice added: “The idea, beyond the fun, is for the children to investigate and explore for themselves. They are encouraged to create and experiment in this amazing room.”
The Centre brings together vulnerable children, families and caregivers to play, learn and train through OneSky’s proven methodologies.