Field Notes

JiaXing’s Smiles

It was November of 2011, a handsome boy called JiaXing was enrolled in our program. He was five years old […]

My Daughter the Star

This spring was the tenth anniversary of Half the Sky’s programs in Chongqing. Looking back at my years at Half […]

Spirited LiangLiang

In our infant nurture program we have a very determined little boy we call LiangLiang. When LiangLiang started learning to walk […]

Eli Zheng: A Proud Boy

My husband and I adopted our son, Zheng (now Eli Zheng) from the Chongqing Children’s Welfare Institution on May 12, 2005. […]

There Will Be a Better Tomorrow

My name is Xin. I am four years old and have a round face with red cheeks. I was abandoned […]

Raising Hope With Love

I became a Special Needs teacher of Half the Sky in the spring of 2011. The children I face are […]

Half the Sky UK’s Star Ambassador Mary-Jess

British singer Mary-Jess Leaverland, who wowed the guests at Half the Sky UK’s Inaugural Ball last year, recently wowed a […]

My Heartfelt Wish For JingJing

JingJing, who was born with congenital heart disease, was abandoned at 4 months. He was discovered by the police and […]

ZhongXu and His Math Teacher

ZhongXu had made obvious progress in Math study since he started remedial Math course in our program. His score increased […]

Our Happy Winter Melon

Since little DongYu joined our program, he has added a lot of joy and laughter with his liveliness and sweet […]