Gaining Momentum in Vietnam
Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) estimates that there are over 16,000 independent childcare providers caring for over 400,000 young children 0-6 in the country’s industrial zones. These young children can spend up to 14 hours a day in the care of providers who often lack training, resources and support.
Based on 25 years of expertise in early childhood care and education in Asia, OneSky is committed to improving the care of marginalized children in Vietnam.
- OneSky designed the training program specifically for independent childcare providers, the first of its kind in Vietnam.
- The 11-month child-centered training focuses on responsive care, creating safe and nurturing learning environments and stimulating healthy cognitive, physical and social-emotional development.
- Our training course provides classroom sessions, in-person coaching visits, and a OneSky online learning platform, which offers an early education content library and an active community of practice to share and learn among peers, trainers, and local and global early childhood experts.

Since 2018
OneSky Independent Childcare Provider Training Program has:
changed the trajectory of
children’s lives
provided skills and resources to

By teaching government trainers and other nonprofit organizations to deliver our innovative program, OneSky and our MOET partners are paving the way for independent childcare provider training to eventually be scaled across the entire country.