Our Paradise in the Woods

There are three components to OneSky’s model for children in villages and each is equally important: the early learning center, […]

Double Trouble

Lihang and Liyan’s grandma has her hands full. Besides taking care of her son’s children, Lihang, three years old, and […]

One Day — An Orphanage Preschool

At 8:30 every morning OneSky preschool teacher Lin Lin welcomes her students, greeting each with a warm hug. “Hello, Binbin,” […]

Best Friends

The village is tiny and poor and, aside from young parents who migrate away to the big cities for work, […]

The Empathic Child

Children can be our greatest teachers. They offer us delight and warm our hearts, reminding us of the good in […]

Junjie, Grandma’s Boy

When Junjie was just a month old, his father left the village to work in a big-city factory. A month […]

Anjing, Sunshine Girl-3

When Anjing traveled to Beijing three months after her second birthday for medical treatment, her doting OneSky nanny, Guo Yushao, […]

Yimei, As She Sees It-1

In November of 2015, we took our board and senior staff to visit the OneSky village programs for the first […]