The Training Hub – helping to expand the capacity and quality of childcare in Hong Kong

At the heart of the P. C. Lee OneSky Global Centre for Early Childhood Development is the Training Hub, offering training programs for both professionals and parents using cutting-edge theory on early brain development. The innovative teaching methods unite children and adults on a new learning journey.

Since opening in Hong Kong a year ago, during the pandemic and various lockdowns, OneSky’s training focus has been on supporting parents.

Our training is interactive and suitable for all parents or caregivers of young children. It includes responsive care, building secure attachment, child development, and play-based learning.

For Jasmina Wadhwani, OneSky’s Director of Global Programs, the past 12 months have been remarkable, despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It has been an incredible year for our training program,” said Jasmina. “The year has passed so fast, and it has been a joy training and watching the parents grow in their learning and being able to use our teaching with their children at home.”

Parents like Jessica — who has a 2-year-old boy — have found the Centre to be a refuge. In between lockdowns she and her son visited the Family Centre in person to play while she also participated in family training.

She told OneSky: “I am so happy to have been able to participate in the parenting course offered by OneSky. It has enabled me to absorb so much practical knowledge as well as being able to enjoy a new, safe and rich playground with my child.”

Jessica and her son are among many who have directly benefited from OneSky’s training and its lasting impact on both caregivers and children, which began more than 20 years ago with OneSky’s groundbreaking work in China’s orphanages and rural villages.

Today, thousands of more lives are being changed in Hong Kong, Mongolia and Vietnam, thanks to OneSky’s mission of training communities and caregivers.

“It’s very heartwarming when the teacher remembers my child each time we are together,” added Jessica. “I love that during lessons we learn so much from small details to the big picture information.”

The OneSky Global Centre now partners with ten NGOs, including PathFinders and the Music Children Foundation, to recruit vulnerable families to join OneSky’s parent training.

The ultimate goal of the Training Hub is to offer training programs for professionals, as well as parents, using best practices in early childhood education.

As a training organization, OneSky’s mission is to support the systems of care in Hong Kong that are so vital to growing a healthy, happy society for tomorrow. It’s a new pioneering journey, using the proven OneSky Approach, that has only just begun in Hong Kong.